Sarah Hacker is a prosecutor, not a politician. With 16 years of experience as a licensed attorney, she is looking forward to serving the community as District Attorney for Kings County.
Please Donate to Sarah Hacker’s District Attorney Campaign.
Vision, Issues, & Values
I would like the people of Kings County to know I will work hard to bring due process, integrity, and justice for all to the department once elected. This is something that has been lacking for too long. My hope is the people of Kings County will do their own research on the candidates up for election and make informed voting decisions on June 7th! This race will be a tough one, and I’ll need your support.
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Be An Informed Voter
“I’m running because I want to do well for Kings County”
About Sarah
“I have seen how the Kings County District Attorney’s Office has caused friction with law enforcement agencies and the court system. The current District Attorney puts himself above Kings County’s best interests. I could not stand by and watch our criminal justice system go into further decline because the current District Attorney pushes his personal agenda at the expense of public safety. I decided to enter into the race to restore justice to Kings County and rebuild confidence in our system.”
Ready to Support Sarah For District Attorney?
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Don’t Forget to Vote!
I endorse Sarah Hacker for Kings County District Attorney. Her conservatives values will serve our community well. Her experience at the DA's office and in private practice gives her a unique perspective on the legal system.
I recenlty retired from law enforcement after 30 years, and every one of those years was spent in Kings County. It's time for a new vision and leadership approach, grounded by ethics and core values. Regain trust in the District Attorney's Office and vote Sarah Hacker for Kings County District Attorney.
I endorse Sarah Hacker to be the next Kings County District Attorney because she has the intelligence and temperament for the job. I have known Sarah for about 15 years. We worked together on prosecuting gang cases when I supervised the Kings County Gang Task Force and later in 2009 and 2010 when I was a District Attorney Investigator. Sarah worked side-by-side with investigators by attending witness interviews and putting together cases for trial. She was enthusiastic to take a case to trial and fight for public safety. She does not back down to a challenge. Sarah prosecuted cases fairly. She advocated for harsh sentences when a defendant posed a risk to our community.
The Kings County District Attorney must put our community’s safety first. I am a backer for Sarah Hacker. Join me in voting for her on June 7.
Deputy DA’s have a huge volume of cases to work on every day. There isn’t enough time for them to take each case to heart, make it personal to them and give each case their 100% attention. But, in my experience, Sarah does just that.
In my over 30 years in local law enforcement, I have never seen a prosecutor so concerned with taking predators off the streets and in helping their victims.
I believe Sarah wants to prosecute criminals and protect our community for all the right reasons. She has a heartfelt desire and can create an atmosphere that inspires the same from others.
Sarah's extensive formal education coupled with her veteran experience as a prosecuting attorney illustrates her qualification for the position. We support Sarah's platform fundamentals of honesty, integrity, ethics, and morals within the Kings County District Attorney’s Office. We hope that this can be the start of a positive and strong relationship
in an effort to change our community for the better.
With our endorsement, KCDDA is committed to supporting Sarah's campaign.